There will be Leathermen's Barracks - designated cabins. Basic and advanced sex education classes sponsored by LeatherWerks will be held in The Pocono Eagle Dungeon. When classes are not being held, the Dungeon will be available exclusively for the men housed in the leathermen's barracks. The Dungeon will be open at designated times to leather men who have passed the Dungeon Certification Class. These classes will be offered multiple times during GNI. The setting for the Pocono Eagle will be in and around the I6, I7 and I8 cabins.
Leather cocktails will be a time for all camp participants to enjoy the Pocono Eagle and see and enjoy the Mr GNI Leather and Mr. GNI Bare Bear contestants at the “Meet the Meat” party. The second open party will be the Victory Party for all GNI contest winners will be sponsored by the Pocono Eagle.
In addition to the above parties, you won't want to miss the EDC (Enforced "Dress" Code - Boots required) party and the "Boots, Bourbon and Cigars" party (bring your own "cigar") sponsored by Stompers Boots, Fort Lauderdale Florida.
Make sure you pack your leather boots for The Pocono Eagle 2017. Stay tuned for announcements of the fun to be had at The Pocono Eagle.