Back in 1975, South Australia became the
first state in Australia to legalise nudity at Australia’s best known nude
beach, Maslin Beach. Since then a small number of nude groups have established
themselves, however they are primarily focused towards heterosexual nudists.
It was the lack of options for gay men that
brought a few like-minded friends together at a nude gathering and the idea of
starting a gay nude group for those in the Adelaide area was formed.
In 2015, the Nude Guys Club (NGC) was brought
to life with the first ‘clothed’ social get together in a local pub to discuss
and plan the new clubs future.
It was a few months later when we were
approached by a local gay night club, The Mars Bar, to see if we were looking
for a permanent venue to hold our nude events.
We took them up on their offer and began
holding monthly nude nights with different themed events. After a while these
proved to be so popular that we started to hold events twice a month instead.
Some of our events have included after work
drinks, Sunday barbeques, UV paint parties, and our very popular Starkers
night, which is underwear optional for the first few hours for those guys who
are a little shy to go ‘full pickle’ right from the start.
Other than our regular nights in the city,
we’ve also have some get togethers at our local nude beach through the summer,
nude night hikes in the Adelaide Hills and the guys are always having private
nude house parties and dinners.
Adelaide is a reasonably small city,
certainly smaller than Australia’s larger cities of Sydney and Melbourne, but
we still have around 500 guys from all over the country on the mailing list and
generally at our events we have around 40 to 50 guys come along to nude up and
meet new friends. Most times we have new guys coming along and taking that
first step to experience our nude lifestyle and socialising with the guys over a
few drinks and dance in a safe nightclub environment.
With more guys coming along, new ideas are
formed and we introduce other gay groups to join us. The Adelaide Leathermen
join us a few times a year for a Nude and Leather night which is a mix of guys
decked out in leather outfits all the way to guys being completely nude. Soon
we’ll be working with local drag queens and having a Nude Drag night where guys
can come along in drag makeup and hair but also be completely nude as well!

Looking to the future we will continue to
provide a safe place for guys to nude up and hope that anyone travelling to
Adelaide will join us to experience what our nude club has to offer.
If you would like to see what events we
have coming up, please check out our website .