Thursday, January 30, 2020

The 2019 Gathering Hangover, from Rick Bach, Mr. GNI 2018

The Gathering Hangover, nothing to do with alcohol.

There's no way that you can go back to your outer world without a wonderful residue from the Gathering.

Driving home from the Gathering silently for hours, was drifting in and out of moments from the week. The realization arose that the last week was the happiest week of my year, no question man.

We spent our time together in community and camaraderie that seeps in without warning. The safeness of a level playing field with absolutely no judgement allowed our freak flag to fly. For most, a time like no other. Icing on that cake is the new individual connections/friendships we'll have as long as we feed them.

Then the awareness appeared of what we don't have . . . 
In seven Gatherings attended, never heard a verbal or saw a physical altercation. No thievery or such from our outer world,if you would. Could have happened of course, but never experienced here. Seems that we've got a bit of a utopian society cooking.

On that note, how about a permanent year round complex somewhere in the sun in addition to the Gathering? A place based on the philosophies GNI's Gathering, where one could visit short term, live long term or swap out with others? Let your thoughts be known if you can help to make it happen.

Let's continue and expand Gay Naturists International  for generations to come. An ideal way to live.

CONGRATS to Gerald Knott, Mr. GNI 2019.
Well deserved. 
Long live the Queen, he said lovingly.
Cheers Gentlemen,
Rick Bach 
Mr. GNI 2018